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Pawan Chamling

Pawan Chamling

Pawan Chamling


Mr. Pawan Chamling began his career by choosing the independent profession of a farmer and later became a first class contractor. Thereafter, he was actively involved in the service of society and literature apart from engaging himself in various creative activities by consolidating the traditional relationship of rural organizations and institutions. He also initiated the process of creating awareness among the village populance by establishing libraries and cooperative societies besides mobilizing his youth friends in organizing drama and other cultural activities.

Mr. Chamling was continuously engaged in political activities since the year 1973 and was actively involved in people's revolution of 1973. Sikkim Prajatantra Congress was the first political party in which Mr. Chamling made his entry. In addition to his association with this political party and its activities, he was also actively engaged in pursuit of social, cultural and literary activities. As a result, the editing and publication of the literary magazine "NIRMAN" started in 1977 from Yangyang, a very backward village of Sikkim which also happens to be the birth place of Mr. Chamling. Later on, a publication unit under the name of Nirman Prakashan started publishing the literary magazine "NIRMAN" for the last 19 years. It may be mentioned here that the Nirman Publication has so far published 100 books by 55 numbers of fresh as well as well-known writers.